The mediating effect of dispositional mindfulness on the association between UPPS-P impulsivity traits and gaming disorder among Asia-Pacific young adults - BMC Psychiatry
Background Little evidence is available to verify the mediating effect of dispositional mindfulness on the association between gaming disorder and various impulsivity traits. The present study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of dispositional mindfulness on the association between the five UPPS-P impulsivity traits and the risk of gaming disorder among young adults. Methods It was an inter-regional cross-sectional study using online survey in Australia, Japan, The Philippines and China. Impulsivity measured by the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale–Short version; dispositional mindfulness measured by the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale; and the risk of gaming disorder measured by the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale were collected in the focal regions. Structural equation modeling was performed by SPSS AMOS version 26 to verify the study hypotheses. Bootstrapped 95% confidence interval was reported. Statistical significance was indicated by the p-value below 0.05. Results Among the 1,134 returned questionnaires, about 40% of them aged 18–20 years and 21–23 years, respectively. 53.8% were male. 40.7% had been playing digital and video games for over 10 years. The prevalence of gaming disorder was 4.32%. The model fitness indices reflected that the constructed model had an acceptable model fit (χ2(118) = 558.994, p < 0.001; χ2/df = 4.737; CFI = 0.924; TLI = 0.890; GFI = 0.948; RMSEA = 0.058; SRMR = 0.0487). Dispositional mindfulness fully mediated the effect of positive urgency and negative urgency on the risk of gaming disorder. The effect of lack of premeditation on the risk of gaming disorder was partially mediated by dispositional mindfulness. However, dispositional mindfulness did not mediate the effect of sensation seeking on the risk of gaming disorder. Conclusions The varied associations between dispositional mindfulness and the five impulsivity traits hints that improving some impulsive traits may increase dispositional mindfulness and so lower the risk of gaming disorder. Despite further studies are needed to verify the present findings, it sheds light on the need to apply interventions on gamers based on their impulsivity profile. Interventions targeting at emotion regulation and self-control such as mindfulness-based interventions seem to be effective to help gamers with dominant features of urgency and lack of premeditation only. Other interventions shall be considered for gamers with high sensation seeking tendency to enhance the effectiveness of gaming disorder prevention.
- Tang, A. C. Y., Lee, R. L.-T., Lee, P. H., Tanida, K., Chan, S., Lam, S. C., Nailes, J., Malinit, J. P., Juangco, J. R. G., Wang, Q., Ligot, J., & Suen, L. K. P. (2024). The mediating effect of dispositional mindfulness on the association between UPPS-P impulsivity traits and gaming disorder among Asia-Pacific young adults. BMC Psychiatry, 24(1), 328.
本研究は、オーストラリア、日本、フィリピン、中国におけるオンライン調査を用いた地域間横断研究である。UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale-Short versionで測定した衝動性、Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scaleで測定した気質的マインドフルネス、Internet Gaming Disorder Scaleで測定したゲーム障害のリスクを対象地域で収集した。研究仮説を検証するために、SPSS AMOSバージョン26を用いて構造方程式モデリングを行った。ブートストラップした95%信頼区間を報告した。統計的有意性は0.05未満のp値で示された。
1,134名のアンケート回答者のうち、約40%が18~20歳、21~23歳であった。53.8%が男性であった。40.7%が10年以上デジタルゲームやビデオゲームをプレイしていた。ゲーム障害の有病率は4.32%であった。モデル適合度指標は、構築されたモデルが許容可能なモデル適合度を有することを反映していた(χ2(118) = 558.994, p < 0.001; χ2/df = 4.737; CFI = 0.924; TLI = 0.890; GFI = 0.948; RMSEA = 0.058; SRMR = 0.0487)。配置的マインドフルネスは、ゲーム障害のリスクに対する正の緊急性と負の緊急性の効果を完全に媒介した。ゲーム障害のリスクに対する計画性の欠如の効果は、気質的マインドフルネスによって部分的に媒介された。しかしながら、気質的マインドフルネスは、ゲーム障害のリスクに対する感覚追求の効果を媒介しなかった。