Objective: This study was conducted to assess the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the MOGS (C-MOGS) and its relationship with IGD in the Chinese population.
Methods: A total of 772 Chinese individuals (age: mean 21.70, SD 8.81 years; age range: 13-57 years; 458/772, 59.3% male) completed a web-based questionnaire survey, including the C-MOGS and a battery of validated scales measuring IGD, gaming motives, depression, and anxiety.
Results: Through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, the 3-factor structure was confirmed to have adequate model fit and internal consistency reliability (Cronbach α≥.799, Guttman split-half coefficients≥0.754). Concurrent validity of the C-MOGS was supported by its correlations with IGD (P<.001), gaming motives (P<.001), depression (P<.001), and anxiety (P<.001). Furthermore, the incremental validity analysis showed that the C-MOGS predicted 13% of the variance in IGD while controlling for gender, age, weekly gaming hours, gaming motives, depression, and anxiety.
Conclusions: This study provides evidence that the psychometric properties of the C-MOGS are appropriate and emphasizes its positive association with IGD. The C-MOGS is a reliable and valid instrument for mental health workers to assess metacognitions about online gaming in the Chinese population.
- Lin, S., Chen, X., Tan, L., Liao, Z., Li, Y., Tang, Y., Huang, Q., & Shen, H. (2024). Psychometric Properties of the Metacognitions About Online Gaming Scale in the Chinese Population and Its Relationship With Internet Gaming Disorder: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Serious Games, 12, e45985. https://doi.org/10.2196/45985
合計772名の中国人(年齢:平均21.70歳、SD 8.81歳、年齢範囲:13~57歳、458/772、59.3%男性)が、C-MOGSおよびIGD、ゲーム動機、抑うつ、不安を測定する検証済みの尺度群を含む、ウェブベースの質問紙調査に回答した。
探索的因子分析および確認的因子分析により、3因子構造は適切なモデル適合性と内部一貫性信頼性を有することが確認された(Cronbach α≥.799, Guttman split-half coefficients≥0.754).C-MOGSの同時妥当性は、IGD(P<.001)、ゲーム動機(P<.001)、抑うつ(P<.001)、不安(P<.001)との相関によって支持された。さらに、増分妥当性分析では、性別、年齢、週間ゲーム時間、ゲーム動機、抑うつ、不安をコントロールしながら、C-MOGSはIGDの分散の13%を予測することが示された。