Solusi Gangguan Smartphone Addiction Berdasarkan Pendekatan Psikologi Islam | Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan
Adolescent at this point very close to the rapid technological growth. Adolescent are a primary target for debatable features inside the smartphone, which makes it easier for the youth to become addicted to the smartphone usage, and this of course, also encourages learning in the youth to b…
Adolescent at this point very close to the rapid technological growth. Adolescent are a primary target for debatable features inside the smartphone, which makes it easier for the youth to become addicted to the smartphone usage, and this of course, also encourages learning in the youth to b…
- Hs, A. H., & Hidayat, B. (2021). Smartphone Addiction dan Daya Juang Belajar: Abnormalitas Kontemporer dan Solusi Adiksi Internet Berdasarkan Psikologi Islam. Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan, 18(1), 65–78. https://doi.org/10.25299/al-hikmah:jaip.2021.vol18(1).6652