Online gaming motives, family relationships, and… : Industrial Psychiatry Journal
rstood. Aim: The study examined problematic online gaming, including Internet gaming disorder in connection to gaming motives and personality, especially as they impact family relationships among Indian youth. Materials and Methods: The study consisted of 179 participants (86 males; 93 females) with the age range of 18–25 years who were involved in Internet gaming in the last 1 year. The subjects were recruited using an online survey. Tools used were brief and included the Gaming Usage Questionnaire, Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short-Form, Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire UCLA Loneliness Scale, Sheehan Disability Scale, Brief Family Relationships Questionnaire, and MINI International Personality Item Pool. Results: The mean age of the participants was 21.99 ± 2.202 years. A stepwise multivariate regression analysis indicated that escape and competition motives, low cohesion in family relationships, low level of conscientiousness, and low level of intellect/imagination contributed to problematic gaming behaviors. Conclusions: The study established a relationship between gaming motives and both internal and external factors associated with problematic online gaming. Generalizing the findings across a larger youth population would help in developing informed preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing a gaming disorder.…
- Ajith, S., Narayanan, G., Sharma, M. K., Anand, N., & Vishwakarma, A. (2024). Online gaming motives, family relationships, and personality among Indian youth. Industrial Psychiatry Journal. https://doi.org/10.4103/ipj.ipj_123_23
青少年のゲームへの参加は、その機能面や 人間関係に大きな影響を与えるため、精神保健の専門家にとって重要な関心事となっている。しかし、インドにおけるゲーム動機とそれに関連する家族関係や性格特性は十分に理解されていない。
過去1年間にインターネットゲームに関与した18~25歳の179名(男性86名、女性93名)を対象とした。対象者はオンライン調査を用いて募集した。使用したツールは簡潔なもので、ゲーム利用質問票、インターネットゲーム障害尺度-短形式Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short-Form,、オンラインゲームに対する動機づけ質問票UCLA孤独尺度、シーハン障害尺度、簡易家族関係質問票、MINI国際性格項目プールMINI International Personality Item Poolなどであった。